
When website visitors try to book an appointment, they may not always find the perfect date, time or chef, so they can submit a request.

Where do these come from?

When customers are reviewing online availability, they'll see this box. 

If they click the button, they're prompted to add a request. 

Your notifications

You'll receive a text and email with details. 

Next steps

Add a day/time or zip code. The customer will be alerted when any Elf adds matching availability and they then have the option to book. 👍

Common questions

Q: Who was the request specifically from?

A: We don't always know (e.g., they supplied an email we don't have in our system). 

Q: If they requested a zip I don't serve, can I offer to cook just for them, but not open the zip to anyone?

A: Yes, contact us and we'll share their email for you to connect directly.

Q: They asked for a day that I'm already available. What's up?

A: Customers are strange. Some may see 2pm availability, but want 2.15pm and submit this online request. 😐

Q: Do you have any more details of the request (time, etc)?

A: No, you'll receive all the details from the request. 

Q: I added the availability they requested, but I haven't seen a booking. What's up?

A: We don't know. A customer may have booked with someone else or changed their mind. 

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